So, away we go! (P.S. I've skipped out all the days we were flying...I'm quite happy to forget all that)
Day 1
People aren't exaggerating when they say Disneyland is the most magical place on Earth. I'd recently been to Tokyo Disneyland, so I was prepped for all the wonder that the original had to offer, but that still didn't change the fact that this place is just so......AMAZING MAGICAL WONDERFUL HAPPY FANTASTICAL BEAUTIFUL FUN etc
I feel as if every theme park ever is just ruined for me now, I've been to Disneyland, I've seen how a theme park should be, and I don't know if anything else will compare. Everything is SO well thought out, everything looks perfect, the people are all lovely and the rides are SO FUN! Here in Australia most of the rides our theme parks are known for a thrill rides - quick, super fast jumps to get the adrenaline going that are over within a minute. Disneyland's are worth the line up's, the rides have substance and are created in a way that you can forget that you're at a theme park and just let your imagination go.
Take Space Mountain for instance. In theory, it's just a rollercoaster in the dark. But to that, add that the lineup takes you through a space station where a large ship is deploying small capsules. Once inside one of these capsules, you're zipped through that space station, onto a belt surrounded my lasers and lights, ready to deploy you out into the galaxy. As you slowly gain power, you see glimpses of the outside universe, millions of stars sparkling in the vast black. And then, you're out there! There are no visible rails, you can't see what's making all these stars shine, all you know is that some awesome music is playing, you're moving fast, the space wind on your face is cold and most of all - you're having so much fun you can not stop laughing.
My face was sore afterwards from smiling so much. That right there is one reason why Disneyland is so fantastic.
I could also go on and on about the Indiana Jones ride. But I won't. Just know it is all underground, there's a giant snake, the rolling boulder, lots of fire, poisoned darts and about 3 million funs.
Day 2
I love everything about Disneyland. But if I had to pick one highlight, it would be World of Colour. It's hard to explain how much it affected me...there was a lot of an example, this was my face afterwards.
Super pretty huh?
Lights and hundreds of water fountains choreographed perfectly to Disney songs while images from all the best films are projected on to fans of water might not sound like it should have caused that face, but it was just so....perfect. We saw this all three nights we were there, and it never failed to make my heart break and have it burst with happiness simultaneously. It was most definitely one of the most beautiful man-made things I have ever seen.
Day 3
You can't be a cynical person if you really want to enjoy Disneyland properly. Yes, I know that none of the princesses are real, I know they're just very lucky performers in beautiful dresses.....but if you just let that go, it makes it pretty exciting when you get to have breakfast with them all hehe.
Where else but Disneyland could a girl go straight from eating breakfast with princesses, to building her very own lightsaber?
Finally, it wouldn't be a very Lauren-ish post without some mention of food. We ate an assortment of food stuffs in Disneyland - pizza, pasta, churros, waffles, chicken nuggets, salad....Mickey Mouse Pretzels.
But my very favourite meal was at the Big Thunder Ranch Barbecue. We waited nearly an hour as we didn't make a reservation, but it was absolutely worth it. Once we got seated our lovely waitress brought out a bucket of ribs and bbq chicken, followed by grilled corn, coleslaw, baked beans (the BEST baked beans I've ever eaten)and delicious buttery corn bread.
So. Good.
Coming soon - Part 2! San Francisco!